Ian Eppler  //  8/24/17  //  Topic Update

The New York Times takes stock of the “Failing Presidency” of Donald Trump.

  •  Frank Bruni argues that President Trump has, for all intents and purposes, already abidicated the position.

Meanwhile, what is the fate of Bannon’s agenda with him out of the White House and back at Breitbart? 

  • Matthw Continetti argues that this might all be much ado about very little.
  • The Wall Street Journal cheers Bannon’s departure as step towards a better functioning Administration.
  • In The Washington Post, Hugh Hewitt agrees.

Politico looks back at yet another “worst week” of Trump’s presidency.


Updates | The Week of February 5, 2018

2/11/18  //  Daily Update

The Nunes memo set off aftershocks; agencies scrambled to implement the Trump Administration's policies to mixed effect; and Congress passes a budget after a brief overnight shutdown.

Updates | The Week of January 15, 2018

1/21/18  //  Daily Update

The week began with Martin Luther King Jr. Day and ended with a government shutdown on the anniversary of President Trump's inauguration.

Jacob Miller

Harvard Law School

Updates | The Week of January 15, 2018

1/14/18  //  Daily Update

The White House struggles to quell questions about President Trump's mental fitness.