Daily Update | March 23, 2017

3/23/17  //  Daily Update

As evidence of collusion between the Trump Campaign and Russia mounts, President Trump's allies have sought to deflect attention by denouncing leaks and the intelligence community. The Trump administration appealed one of the entry ban rulings. Experts have denounced the administration's use of data collection and reporting requirements to target immigrants and sanctuary cities. And President Trump's constant falsehoods are raising significant legal concerns.

Daily Update | March 22, 2017

3/22/17  //  Daily Update

Analysis of President Trump's immigration policies, from the entry ban to sanctuary cities, continues. The U.S. and U.K. announced limits on the in-flight carrying of electronic devices on planes from selected Muslim-majority nations. And the Trump Administration is preparing to roll back key Obama-era climate change rules.

Take Care

Daily Update | March 21, 2017

3/21/17  //  Daily Update

Yesterday, Take Care published several analyses of President Trump's revised entry ban, as well as an assessment of whether Judge Gorsuch likely would vote to uphold it. In other news, at a congressional hearing, FBI Director James Comey confirmed that the agency is investigating whether the Trump Campaign colluded with Russia to win the 2016 election. Comey also confirmed that President Trump's claims that President Obama wiretapped him during the campaign are baseless.

Take Care

Daily Update | March 20, 2017

3/20/17  //  Daily Update

Legal commentary remains focused on President Trump's revised entry ban, which has been blocked by two federal judges. Late on Friday, several judges of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals published opinions regarding that court's denial of rehearing en banc in Washington v. Trump. Elsewhere, the big news on Friday was a brief filed by the Department of Justice that argued the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is structured in an unconstitutional manner.

Take Care

Daily Update | March 16, 2017

3/15/17  //  Daily Update

Last night, a federal judge in Hawaii issued a nationwide temporary restraining order against President Trump's revised entry ban, concluding that it likely violates the Establishment Clause. Hours earlier, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals declined to rehear en banc its ruling on Trump's original entry ban, though its decision prompted dueling opinions. In other news, President Trump ordered a review of Obama-era vehicle emissions standards.

Take Care