Take Care // 3/20/17 //
Legal commentary remains focused on President Trump's revised entry ban, which has been blocked by two federal judges. Late on Friday, several judges of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals published opinions regarding that court's denial of rehearing en banc in Washington v. Trump (which upheld a ruling that blocked the original entry ban). These opinions have generated an active debate over the propriety of considering President Trump's campaign statements in reviewing the purpose behind his entry bans. Elsewhere, the big news on Friday was a brief filed by the Department of Justice that switched from an Obama-era position and argued that the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is structured in an unconstitutional manner.
A federal judge in Hawaii has denied a request to narrow the scope of his order against the revised entry ban.
Late Friday, several Ninth Circuit judges issued additional opinions regarding the denial of en banc review in Washington v. Trump, in which a three-judge panel of the Ninth Circuit upheld a decision blocking President Trump’s first entry ban (here).
Commentators have weighed in on judicial battles over President Trump’s entry bans.
A leaked draft executive order would use receipt of public benefits as a basis to deny citizenship or as a basis for removal, according to Michael Fix and Randy Capps (Migration Policy Institute).
President Trump has requested proposals to build a “physically imposing” border wall, as reported by Ron Nixon (NYT).
President Trump’s command that female employees “dress like women” is offensive and unworthy of the Presidency, as Richard Thompson Ford explains for Take Care.
Incognito messaging by federal employees raises legal questions, according to Harper Neidig and Joe Uchill (The Hill).
President Trump will shower private prisons with money and influence, as Madelyn Peterson explains in the Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review.
At Notice & Comment, Andy Grewal considers whether retired Lt. General Michael Flynn’s speaking fees from Russian sources violated the Foreign Emoluments Clause.
President Trump’s close advisor Carl Icahn has reportedly bet millions of dollars that the Environmental Protection Agency will adopt a reform to the market for renewable-fuel credits that he’s advocated to the President (The Intercept, Bloomberg).
The Justice Department filed a brief in PHH Corporation v. CFPB arguing that the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau’s (CFPB’s) structure is unconstitutional, a sharp departure from the Obama administration’s position. (NYT, WSJ, WaPo)
President Trump has declined to nominate people to key agency positions, avoiding the required advice & consent process, as Brianne Gorod explains for Take Care.
Americans are conflicted in their feelings about the federal bureaucracy, in ways with significant real-world implications, as John D. Michaels describes for Take Care.
The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) and the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) can learn from each other, as Jennifer Nou describes for Take Care.
President Trump’s “one in, two out” Executive Order on regulation is mostly a publicity stunt, as Rachel Sachs explains for Take Care.
"Unfortunate precedents set by the Obama administration” on executive enforcement discretion have opened a dangerous door for the Trump administration, according to Zachary Price, who addresses the question for Take Care.
President Trump has begun an onslaught on international law and institutions, argues Jack Goldsmith at Lawfare.
President Trump’s executive order on sanctuary cities relies on a statute that violates the anti-commandeering principle, as Steven Schwinn explains here.
Investigations into Russian interference in the presidential election by the Senate Intelligence Committee, House Intelligence Committee, and FBI have been muddled by overlapping agendas and political sniping, the New York Times reports.
This post reflects the hard work and diligence of Shane Hebel and Eve Levin.
And that's our update today! Thanks for reading. We cover a lot of ground, so our updates are inevitably a partial selection of relevant legal commentary.
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