The Trump Administration’s Newest Target: Administrative Law Judges

7/30/18  //  In-Depth Analysis

The Trump Administration is changing the rules around hiring and firing of Administrative Law Judges, and is doing so in disturbing ways.

Trump's Politicization of Law Enforcement is Authoritarian in Nature

3/9/18  //  In-Depth Analysis

Trump’s actions to quash the independence of federal law enforcement mirror the approach of autocratic leaders around the globe.

Trump’s War On the Courts is a War on Democracy Itself

2/28/18  //  Commentary

Efforts to purge or delegitimize courts following rulings against government officials or their political party is a hallmark authoritarian move.

American Democracy One Year into the Trump Administration

1/18/18  //  In-Depth Analysis

We can no longer take America’s democracy for granted

The Unwritten Story In Alabama: They Almost Didn’t Hold An Election

12/14/17  //  Uncategorized

Postponing or canceling an election to shore up one party’s chances of victory would be dangerous and antithetical to American democracy. It would also be unconstitutional.

Forum on Defending the First Amendment from Trump

10/6/17  //  Latest Developments

Take Care and Protect Democracy have teamed up to host a forum in which leading scholars consider how we can use the law (and litigation) to protect against Trump's use of the 'bully podium.'

Take Care

The Bully and the Press

10/5/17  //  In-Depth Analysis

By Sonja West: In response to Trump's attacks, we should embrace the unique constitutional status of journalists and mount defenses based on the First Amendment Press Clause.

Take Care

The Bully Podium: Is the First Amendment Defenseless?

9/19/17  //  In-Depth Analysis

Trump has besieged freedoms of speech and press. We must prepare to fight back and defend our liberties.