, // 6/20/17 //
The Supreme Court rejected a Bivens suit brought by plaintiffs alleging unconstitutional detention and abuse in the wake of 9/11. The U.S. military shot down a Syrian plane for the first time since the start of the conflict in that country. Energy Secretary Rick Perry stated on Monday that carbon dioxide emissions are not the “primary control knob” behind climate change. And criticism is building of the handling of public business behind closed doors during the Trump Administration -- including the health care bill being drafted in secret in the Senate.
The government’s latest filing in the travel ban case effectively provides support for striking down the ban on statutory grounds, argues Marty Lederman at Just Security.
The Supreme Court ruled in Ziglar vs. Abbasi that there was no Bivens action against Bush administration officials, including former Attorney General John Ashcroft and former FBI Director Robert Mueller, for post-9/11 policies that resulted in hundreds of immigrants being swept into a Brooklyn detention facility, where the plaintiffs alleged they were subjected to beatings and other abuses (NYT, SCOTUSblog).
On Sunday, the U.S. military shot down a Syrian plane for the first time since the start of the conflict in that country. This action arguably represents the escalation of a conflict with Bashar al-Assad and Russia, not ISIS (Just Security, Vox).
Here is a list of national security-related hearings this week, including a Senate hearing tomorrow on the AUMF.
The U.S. should support under-resourced police departments and prosecutors’ offices to succeed in the fight against ISIS, argues Kim Cragin at Lawfare.
Discussion of President Trump’s new Cuba policy continues. The President’s new policy leaves in place diplomatic relations, though it curtails Americans’ ability to travel to Cuba and prohibits commercial dealings with the Cuban military.
Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller will hold talks this week with senior Senate Judiciary Committee members to ensure there is no conflict between his investigation and theirs (Reuters).
Energy Secretary Rick Perry stated on Monday that carbon dioxide emissions are not the “primary control knob” behind climate change (The Hill).
Technology industry leaders met with President Trump on Monday to discuss how the Administration could adopt best practices from the private sector (Bloomberg).
Americans are better off with strong regulations in the consumer financial services market despite the White House’s attempt to dismantle them, argues David Reiss in The Hill.
President Trump intends to nominate congressional aide James Clinger to be a chairman of the FDIC for a five-year term (WSJ).
President Trump is likely to nominate former EPA official Jeff Holmstead to be the agency’s deputy administrator (The Hill).
Public business is increasingly being handled behind closed doors in the Trump Administration, explain Philip Rucker and Ed O’Keefe for the Washington Post.
Two ranking members of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform and the House Committee on Foreign Affairs sent a letter to Michael Flynn’s consulting firm and two businesses that Flynn worked with, requesting documents relating to his work on a Saudi-Russian nuclear proposal.
Republican members of Congress are quietly advancing what appears to be a foreign policy at odds with President Trump’s -- tougher on Russia and friendlier to NATO and Europe, reports the New York Times.