Kyle Skinner // 9/13/19 //
The House Judiciary Committee has taken a vote to continue investigating the possibility of bringing articles of impeachment against the President. The Justice Department has authorized prosecutors to indict Andrew McCabe on charges for lying to investigators. The EPA announced that it will shrink waterway protections.
Amy Howe analyzes what can and cannot be read into the Court’s order staying Judge Tigar’s injunction and thereby allowing the administration to implement its new asylum rule (SCOTUSBlog).
The EPA announced that it will shrink waterway protections (The Hill).
The administration is also one step closer to allowing more drilling in Alaska (The Hill).
Irina Manta argues that Trump may be using civil denaturalization procedures to silence immigrant dissidents (Reason/Volokh Conspiracy).
New reporting confirms that Chief Justice Roberts changed his vote to decide the census question case (CNN).
Trump says his ousted National Security Adviser “made some very big mistakes” (WaPo).
The House Judiciary Committee has taken a vote to continue investigating the possibility of bringing articles of impeachment against the President (NYT, Politico).
The Justice Department has authorized prosecutors to indict Andrew McCabe on charges for lying to investigators (WaPo, Politico).