Christina Ford // 9/5/17 //
President Trump has indicated that he intends to end DACA after a six-month delay, sparking widespread criticism. North Korea conducted another nuclear test over the weekend, drawing a U.S. warning of a “massive military response.” DOJ says there is no evidence that President Obama wiretapped Trump Tower, despite President Trump’s earlier claims. Special Counsel Mueller is in possession of an early draft of a letter written by President Trump and a political aide which gave reasons for firing former FBI Director Comey.
President Trump has indicated he intends to end DACA after a six-month delay (Politico).
Animus, not military readiness, explains President Trump’s decision to ban transgender individuals from serving in the military, writes Scott Skinner-Thompson at Just Security.
DOJ has argued that Texas should be allowed to enforce its voter ID pending appeal, even though the Court found the law was intentionally discriminatory (Election Law Blog).
President Trump’s incendiary statements against the media may be purposeful and premeditated, argues David Kaye at Just Security.
North Korea conducted another nuclear test over the weekend, drawing a U.S. warning of a “massive military response” (NYT).
AG Sessions is inconsistent and untruthful in his claims that violent crime is sweeping the nation (WaPo).
The civil-military divide is a temporary casualty of the Trump Administration, writes Ned Price at Just Security.
Donald Trump, Jr. will be paid $100,000 by the company of a major GOP donor to give a speech at a Texas University (WaPo).
Fossil fuel industry officials will take key spots on a new Interior Department royalties committee (The Hill).
EPA has changed its policy to put a political operative with little environmental policy experience in charge of approving grant applications (WaPo).
The Trump administration plans to tie the debt ceiling increase to aid for Hurricane Harvey victims (CNN).
DOJ says there is no evidence that President Obama wiretapped Trump Tower, despite President Trump’s earlier claims (Lawfare).
Vice President Pence may face potential criminal liability for his role in obstruction of justice related to the firing of FBI Director Comey, theorizes Jed Shugerman at Shugerblog.
Russian election hacking efforts have drawn little scrutiny from local, state, and federal officials (NYT).
Special Counsel Mueller is in possession of an early draft of a letter written by President Trump and an aide which explain the reasons for firing former FBI Director Comey (NYT).