Derek Reinbold  //  4/16/17  //  Topic Update

Twitter sued to oppose a demand for the identity of a user critical of the Trump Administration by the Customs and Border Patrol (NYT).

  • Here is the complaint.
  • U.S. Senator Ron Wyden sent a letter expressing concern and asking the CBP to explain the summons.
  • Twitter dropped the suit after the CBP withdrew its demand (Lawfare).

Trump has undermined public trust in the media, writes Erik Wemple (WaPo).

Melania Trump settled a libel suit against the Daily Mail in England, winning an undisclosed sum in damages (WaPoNYTBBC).

Updates | The Week of January 22, 2018

1/28/18  //  Daily Update

Hundreds of thousands of people participated worldwide in Women's Marches on Saturday, protesting the first year of the Trump administration and supporting women's rights.

Updates | The Week of January 15, 2018

1/14/18  //  Daily Update

President Trump vows to strengthen libel laws after the release of Fire and Fury.

Updates | The Week of December 18, 2017

12/24/17  //  Daily Update

A federal district court in Michigan has upheld a right to display signs depicting aborted fetuses. Environmental Protection Agency employees who publicly criticized the Trump administration had their e-mails scrutinized by a Republican campaign research group.