Eve Levin  //  7/16/17  //  Topic Update

A group of Twitter users blocked by President Trump sued him and two top White House aides claiming President Trump’s Twitter feed is a public forum (NYTArs Technica).

  • The complaint can be found here.
  • The lawsuit is important and powerful, explains Amanda Shanor for Take Care Blog.
  • Her previous analyses of the lawsuit can be found here and here.

In overruling the EDPA, the Third Circuit correctly protected citizens’ First Amendment right to record police, writes Eugene Volokh at The Volokh Conspiracy.

  • Read the decision here.

President Trump’s campaign trail comments should be held to a different defamation standard, argues his personal lawyer Marc Kasowitz (WaPo).

  • Read Kasowitz’s filing here.


Updates | The Week of January 22, 2018

1/28/18  //  Daily Update

Hundreds of thousands of people participated worldwide in Women's Marches on Saturday, protesting the first year of the Trump administration and supporting women's rights.

Updates | The Week of January 15, 2018

1/14/18  //  Daily Update

President Trump vows to strengthen libel laws after the release of Fire and Fury.

Updates | The Week of December 18, 2017

12/24/17  //  Daily Update

A federal district court in Michigan has upheld a right to display signs depicting aborted fetuses. Environmental Protection Agency employees who publicly criticized the Trump administration had their e-mails scrutinized by a Republican campaign research group.