Derek Reinbold // 4/2/17 //
President Trump’s proposed executive order on religious freedom, LGBT rights, and reproductive freedom has profound constitutional infirmities, argue Ira Lupu and Robert Tuttle on Take Care.
Many LGBTQ groups are outraged by President Trump’s appointment of Roger Severino to lead the division charged with enforcing civil rights at the Department of Health and Human Services (Human Rights Campaign, Rewire, Huffington Post).
The election of President Trump has reinvigorated a movement for “extreme religious liberty” to the detriment of children, especially those in LGBTQ families, argues Marci Hamilton (Verdict).
The Trump Administration leveled two attacks on LGBTQ people this week, first in revoking anti-discrimination rules in government contracts and then in modifying the U.S. Census, argues Quita Tinsley (Feministing).