Hetali Lodaya // 6/14/19 //
Hope Hicks will testify before the House Judiciary Committee next Wednesday. The DC District Court denied HHS’s motion to dismiss a lawsuit from two women who want to adopt refugee children and were denied from doing so by an HHS-funded group because they are a same-sex couple. President Trump has said he would accept information on political opponents from foreign governments during the 2020 election. Senate Republicans blocked a bill that would force campaigns to report assistance from foreign governments to the FEC and the FBI. The Office of the Special Counsel has recommended that the President Fire Kellyanne Conway for violations of the Hatch Act.
Hope Hicks will testify before the House Judiciary Committee next Wednesday. (WSJ)
The House Intelligence panel has subpoenaed Rick Gates and Michael Flynn. (WaPo)
The California and New Mexico state AGs have asked for an injunction preventing the President from using DOD funds to build a wall on the southern border. (The Hill)
The DC District Court denied HHS’s motion to dismiss a lawsuit from two women who want to adopt refugee children and were denied from doing so by an HHS-funded group because they are a same-sex couple. (Lambda Legal)
The aim of the contempt votes in the House over the census case is to influence the Supreme Court Justices, argues Kimberley Strassel at WSJ.
Between the census case and a potential impeachment inquiry, Chief Justice Roberts is likely to be in the spotlight soon, writes Brianne Gorod at Take Care.
A watchdog group has called for investigations into perjury regarding the reasons for adding the citizenship question for the census. (The Hill)
President Trump has said he would accept information on political opponents from foreign governments during the 2020 election. (Buzzfeed)
Senate Republicans blocked a bill that would force campaigns to report assistance from foreign governments to the FEC and the FBI. (The Hill)
The Office of the Special Counsel has recommended that the President fire Kellyanne Conway for violations of the Hatch Act. (ElectionLawBlog)
Mick Mulvaney is pushing a judicial nominee for the Fifth Circuit over the objections of White House lawyers. (Politico)
Justice Department officials want to interview senior CIA official as they review the Russia investigation. (NYT)