The Slants, Government Speech, and Elane Photography

6/22/17  //  In-Depth Analysis

Thanks to the Supreme Court's ruling in Matal v. Tam, the government speech doctrine will not swallow the First Amendment.

Michael C. Dorf

Cornell Law School

The President’s Twitter Account & the First Amendment

6/12/17  //  In-Depth Analysis

There are strong First Amendment arguments against President Trump blocking Twitter followers due to disagreement with their views.

Amanda Shanor

The Wharton School

Trump & Libel

5/16/17  //  Commentary

A particularly brazen part of Trump’s attack on the press has been his assertion—both as a candidate and as President—that he will change the libel laws to make it easier to sue the media for unfavorable coverage. That won't work, for many reasons. But Trump’s outrageous threats are brilliantly successful in other ways, no matter how unlikely they are to formally succeed.

Amanda Shanor

The Wharton School

Jason Harrow is Wrong About the First Amendment

5/12/17  //  Uncategorized

Freedom of speech is great. Nobody denies it. But the lawsuit against Trump for inciting violence at a campaign rally is legally meritorious, at least at the motion to dismiss stage. And the notion that finding liability against Trump here would imperil protests for all Americans just doesn't hold water.

Charlie Gerstein

Gerstein Harrow LLP

Protecting Protesters'—And The President's—Freedom Of Speech

5/12/17  //  Commentary

Some people are trying to sue the President for violence that erupted at his campaign rallies. But if they're successful, it might make life more difficult for many others, like Black Lives Matter, who regularly speak passionately about controversial issues.

Jason Harrow

Gerstein Harrow LLP

How Damaging is Clinton v Jones to Trump's Defense Against Various Lawsuits?

5/1/17  //  Commentary

Unless and until the Supreme Court overrules Clinton v. Jones, that rule is that the president lacks immunity, regardless of where he is sued. Thus, Clinton v. Jones is indeed very damaging to Trump's defense against the various lawsuits against him on the basis of his pre-presidential conduct.

Michael C. Dorf

Cornell Law School

Versus Trump, Episode 2: "Get 'Em Out!" + Richard Primus

4/27/17  //  Commentary

The second episode of Versus Trump, Take Care's podcast, features discussion of a lawsuit against President Trump for inciting violence, the Muslim travel ban, and more. Listen or subscribe now!

Easha Anand

San Francisco

Jason Harrow

Gerstein Harrow LLP

Charlie Gerstein

Gerstein Harrow LLP

Versus Trump, Episode Two

4/27/17  //  Commentary

This Week's Episode: "Get 'Em Out!" + Richard Primus

Jason Harrow

Gerstein Harrow LLP

Easha Anand

San Francisco

Charlie Gerstein

Gerstein Harrow LLP

Hate Speech Is Free Speech, But Maybe It Shouldn't Be

4/25/17  //  In-Depth Analysis

Given enough time, a movement to treat hate speech as beyond the pale, perhaps as part of a backlash against Trumpism, could result in political changes and transformative judicial appointments that redefine the protections of the First Amendment.

Michael C. Dorf

Cornell Law School


4/25/17  //  Quick Reactions

In a civil suit against Trump for inciting violence at a campaign rally, Trump's lawyer argues that Trump is immune from suit as President of the United States (citing Clinton v. Jones). His argument is not simply wrong. It is sanctionable.

Neil J. Kinkopf

George State University College of Law

Ethics Complaints Against Lying Trump-Administration Lawyers

4/7/17  //  Commentary

There might still be some lies that people won't tolerate. Even from lawyers. And even from lawyers who are also politicians. Should those lies be the basis for discipline under legal ethics rules?

Charlie Gerstein

Gerstein Harrow LLP

When Free Speech Suits the President

4/6/17  //  Commentary

A federal judge has refused to dismiss a suit alleging that President Trump incited violence against protesters at one of his campaign rallies last year. The bitter irony to Trump's defense is that it seeks to expand free speech rules; usually, he prefers to trash them.

Amanda Shanor

The Wharton School

The First Amendment Belongs Only to Americans? Wrong

3/29/17  //  Commentary

The First Amendment makes America great for everyone, not just for citizens.

Nikolas Bowie

Harvard Law School

Leah Litman

Michigan Law School