Kyle Skinner  //  4/17/19  //  Daily Update

The Fourth Circuit ruled that detained immigrants do not have a right to be kept in the same state as their children. Republicans object to document requests in a House investigation of voting irregularities in Georgia, Kansas, and Texas. Several House committees have subpoenaed foreign banks with Trump ties.



The Fourth Circuit ruled that detained immigrants do not have a right to be kept in the same state as their children (The Hill).



Republicans object to document requests in a House investigation of voting irregularities in Georgia, Kansas, and Texas (HuffPo).



White House Officials appear to be increasing combative when testifying before Congresswrites Seung Min Kim in The Washington Post.



President Trump vetoed a resolution to end U.S. involvement in Yemen's civil war (WaPo).



Several House committees have subpoenaed foreign banks with Trump ties (NYT).


Daily Update | May 31, 2019

5/31/19  //  Daily Update

Trump implied in a tweet that Russia did in fact help him get elected—and quickly moved to clarify. Mueller relied on OLC precedent in his comments earlier this week. Nancy Pelosi continues to stone-wall on impeachment.

Kyle Skinner

Harvard Law School

Daily Update | May 30, 2019

5/30/19  //  Daily Update

Special Counsel Robert Mueller delivered a statement regarding the Russia investigation. Mitch McConnell says that Republicans would fill a Supreme Court vacancy in 2020 even if it occurs during the presidential election. A recent decision from AG Barr may deprive asylum seekers from a key protection against prolonged imprisonment. A federal judge has agreed to put the House subpoenas for the President’s banking records on hold while he appeals a ruling refusing to block them.

Hetali Lodaya

Michigan Law School

Daily Update | May 29, 2019

5/29/19  //  Daily Update

The Trump administration will soon intensify its efforts to reverse Obama-era climate change regulations by attacking the science that supports it. The Supreme Court upheld an Indiana law regulating the disposal of fetal remains, effectively punting on a major abortion rights decision. The Court also declined to hear a challenge to a Pennsylvania school district’s policy of allowing students to use the restroom that best aligns with their own gender identity on a case-by-case basis.

Kyle Skinner

Harvard Law School