Kyle Skinner // 5/2/19 //
Trump wants to speed up asylum cases and start charging an application fee. A federal judge has declined to dismiss a suit alleging that Trump has violated the Emoluments Clause. Congress held its first hearing on the ERA in 36 years. AG Barr testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee. Mueller wrote in a letter to the AG that he was dissatisfied with the summary the AG provided to the public. The DOJ argues that Robert Stone should not receive an unredacted version of the Mueller Report in preparation for his trial.
AG Barr testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee. Watch the testimony at Lawfare.
Mueller wrote in a letter to the AG that he was dissatisfied with the summary the AG provided to the public (Lawfare).
The DOJ argues that Robert Stone should not receive an unredacted version of the Mueller Report in preparation for his trial (The Hill).
Josh Blackman writes that Mueller employed a subtle form of “as-applied constitutional avoidance” in writing his report (Lawfare).
Though Mueller declined to bring charges, the Report may open the door to civil enforcement by the FEC (Election Law Blog).
Trump wants to speed up asylum cases and start charging an application fee (ImmigrationProfBlog, NYT).
The White House is also asking Congress for billions more in border funding (NYT).
Undocumented workers at Trump’s golf course were told to work extra hours without pay (ImmigrationProfBlog).
A federal judge has declined to dismiss a suit alleging that Trump has violated the Emoluments Clause (The Hill).
At least one GOP lawmaker is troubled by past statements by Trump’s nominee for the Federal Reserve (The Hill).
Chuck Schumer has requested a briefing on Russian interference in anticipation of the 2020 elections (The Hill).
Congress held its first hearing on the ERA in 36 years (The Hill).