Kate Berry // 2/15/18 //
President Trump threatened to veto any immigration bill that doesn’t meet the “four pillars” of his demands. Vice President Pence announced that the U.S. intelligence community universally concluded that Russia did not affect the outcome of the 2016 election, despite the fact that officials have made no such judgment. There is an increasing wave of efforts to punish or restrain judges who reject political districting. The United States may seek to put Pakistan on the Terrorism-Finance List.
President Trump threatened to veto any immigration bill that doesn’t meet the “four pillars” of his demands (NYT, WaPo).
An ICE lawyer has been charged with stealing immigrants’ identities (NYT).
The VA refused to incorporate an employee’s unauthorized change to the VA mission statement, which had substituted “those” for “him” to make the statement gender neutral (WaPo).
It’s ambiguous from Michael D. Cohen’s, President Trump’s lawyer, statement whether he actually paid Stormy Daniels “out of his own pocket,” writes Orin Kerr at Volokh Conspiracy.
A federal energy utility is under investigation by government auditors for allegedly spending $40 million in unauthorized purchases (The Hill).
The VA Inspector General has found that VA Secretary David J. Shulkin’s chief of staff misled ethics officials about the Secretary’s wife’s European trip (WaPo, WSJ).
The White House’s timeline on Rob Porter’s clearance is questionable, writes Philip Bump at WaPo.
The White House Counsel has walked a fine line in serving President Trump’s demands, write Josh Dawsey, Rosalind S. Helderman, and Matt Zapotosky at WaPo.
House Democrats warned in a new report that state and local election systems remain vulnerable to outside interference ahead of the 2018 midterm elections (ABC News).
There is an increasing wave of efforts to punish or restrain judges who reject political districting, writes Michael Wines at NYT.
The United States agreed to further expand assistance to Jordan despite disagreements over the U.S. decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital (WaPo).
The United States should prosecute killers of U.S. journalists and aid workers in Syria, writes Beth Von Schaack at Just Security.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions said that passing drug sentencing reform would be a “grave error” and benefit a “highly dangerous cohort of criminals” (HuffPost).
The United States may seek to put Pakistan on the Terrorism-Finance List (NYT).
President Trump will nominate Lt. Gen. Paul Nakasone to serve as the next NSA Director (The Hill).
The Treasury Department will issue guidance to prevent hedge fund managers from exploiting the new tax law (The Hill).
The Sabin Center for Climate Change Law analyzes U.S. climate change litigation in the first year of the Trump administration (Climate Law Blog).
The Trump Administration’s recent announcement of judicial nominees is impressive, writes Jonathan H. Adler at Volokh Conspiracy.
NBC published 200,000 tweets linked to Russian trolls (The Hill).
Vice President Pence announced that the U.S. intelligence community universally concluded that Russia did not affect the outcome of the 2016 election, despite the fact that officials have made no such judgment (The Hill).
President Trump should not talk to special counsel Robert Mueller, writes Randall D. Eliason at WaPo.
Judge Amy Berman Jackson addressed “unacceptable” delays in the fraud and money laundering case of Paul Manafort and Rick Gates (WaPo).
And that's our update today! Thanks for reading. We cover a lot of ground, so our updates are inevitably a partial selection of relevant legal commentary.
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