Mackenzie Walz // 5/10/19 //
President Trump and his businesses filed a lawsuit seeking to prevent two banks from responding to Congressional subpoenas. Since Donald Trump was elected in 2016, the number of immigrants who have applied for voluntary departure has significantly increased, doubling from 2017 to 2018. One year after the United States withdrew from the Iran Nuclear Deal, Iran announced that it will no longer follow two of its nuclear obligations. President Trump announced that he will nominate Pat Shanahan as Secretary of Defense. President Trump’s recent announcement of his intent to withdraw from the Arms Trade Treaty is just another step away from a shared world order and toward isolationism.
A federal district judge has fast-tracked the lawsuit over the subpoena Congress issued to obtain President Trump’s financial records, setting the hearing for May 14th (The Hill).
President Trump and his businesses filed a lawsuit seeking to prevent two banks from responding to Congressional subpoenas, discuss Jason, Charlie, and Easha on the Versus Trump podcast for Take Care.
Since Donald Trump was elected in 2016, the number of immigrants who have applied for voluntary departure has significantly increased, doubling from 2017 to 2018 (ImmigrationProf Blog).
The Ninth Circuit allowed the Administration’s policy requiring certain migrants return to Mexico while awaiting their full immigration hearing to continue based on statutory grounds, explains Peter Margulies for Lawfare.
The number of criminal migrants encountered by CBP at the border is decreasing, undercutting the Administration’s arguments for stricter border security measures (CATO).
While the Administration’s fight to lower drug prices is in the interest of small businesses, it’s fight to end the ACA is not, asserts John Arensmeyer for The Hill.
Despite President Trump’s statements to the contrary, the Executive Order he signed in May of 2017 did not eliminate or ease the Johnson Amendment’s restrictions on religious groups (WaPo).
One year after the United States withdrew from the Iran Nuclear Deal, Iran announced that it will no longer follow two of its nuclear obligations (Just Security).
President Trump’s recent announcement of his intent to withdraw from the Arms Trade Treaty is just another step away from a shared world order and toward isolationism, contends Luca Jahier for The Hill.
President Trump announced that he will nominate Pat Shanahan as Secretary of Defense (WSJ; WaPo).
In deciding whether to permit the addition of the citizenship question on the census, the Supreme Court has a fateful choice: be an enabler of the Administration, or a firewall, discusses Linda Greenhouse for the New York Times.
It is unclear how the Supreme Court would rule in a dispute over executive privilege, so Congress should take steps to undercut claims of privilege, argues Michael Dorf for Dorf on Law.
Members of Congress, regardless of their political party, have a constitutional duty to oversee the Executive Branch, discusses Eugene Robinson for The Washington Post.
The federal judge overseeing Roger Stone’s case ordered the DOJ to release unredacted portions of the Special Counsel’s report pertaining to Roger Stone for her private review (The Hill).