Nicandro Iannacci // 1/24/19 //
After a protracted dispute with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, President Trump said he will deliver his State of the Union address after the government reopens. A bill containing President Trump’s proposal to end the shutdown contains new restrictive measures on DACA, TPS, and asylum. Former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen has postponed his scheduled testimony before Congress on February 7, citing recent comments from President Trump and Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani. HHS granted a waiver to a Christian ministry in South Carolina to participate in the federally funded foster-care program, even though the ministry will only work with Christian families. The EU says it will impose nearly $23 billion in tariffs if President Trump imposes tariffs on EU cars and auto parts. Wikileaks founder Julian Assange is fighting the Trump administration’s request for extradition with a request to the Inter-American Commission of Human Rights to require U.S. prosecutors to unseal any charges against him.
Former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen has postponed his scheduled testimony before Congress on February 7, citing recent comments from President Trump and Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani (WaPo, WSJ, BuzzFeed, Politico).
Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort is disputing the claim of Special Counsel Robert Mueller that he intentionally lied to federal prosecutors (NYT, Politico, The Hill).
A bill containing President Trump’s proposal to end the shutdown contains new restrictive measures on DACA, TPS, and asylum (Forbes).
President Trump asserted that a border wall will reduce crime, but history and data do not support his claim (NYT, WaPo).
In a new directive, USCIS staffers were warned not to leak information to the public (BuzzFeed).
HHS granted a waiver to a Christian ministry in South Carolina to participate in the federally funded foster-care program, even though the ministry will only work with Christian families (WaPo, WSJ).
The government shutdown is disproportionally harming Native Americans, writes Stephen Pevar at the ACLU.
The Trump administration asked the Supreme Court to take up a dispute over the addition of a citizenship question to the 2020 Census, thus bypassing the Second Circuit (How Appealing).
Wikileaks founder Julian Assange is fighting the Trump administration’s request for extradition with a request to the Inter-American Commission of Human Rights to require U.S. prosecutors to unseal any charges against him (The Guardian).
Iranian journalist Marzieh Hashemi testified before a federal grand jury and was released from custody (WaPo).
The Trump administration recognized the Venezuela opposition leader Juan Guaidó as the legitimate leader of the country, over the protests of President Nicolás Maduro (NYT).
The Trump administration’s approach to solving the Israel-Palestine is flawed, writes Andrew Miller at Lawfare.
A recent Pentagon report on the effects of climate change lacks important details and analysis, writes Mark Nevitt at Just Security.
The EU says it will impose nearly $23 billion in tariffs if President Trump imposes tariffs on EU cars and auto parts (The Hill).
After a protracted dispute with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, President Trump said he will deliver his State of the Union address after the government reopens (NYT).
President Trump renominated 50 judicial nominees that were not acted upon before the end of the last congressional session (CNN).
The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee will open an investigation into the Trump administration’s security clearance practices (WaPo).