Hetali Lodaya, Karen Kadish // 5/9/19 //
The House Judiciary Committee voted to hold Attorney General William Barr in contempt for his failure to produce an unredacted version of the Mueller report for Congress. President Trump invoked executive privilege over the unredacted Mueller report. The State Department is challenging a district court decision regarding the citizenship of a same-sex couple’s child, arguing that a biological relationship with their citizen father is required for US citizenship. The Trump Administration is using an obscure waiver provision in the Social Security Act to impose eligibility hurdles on Medicaid beneficiaries, resulting in thousands of people losing health insurance coverage. Vice President Pence announced that the Trump administration is going to challenge district judges’ authority to issue nation-wide injunctions. Donald Trump, Jr. was subpoenaed by the Senate Intelligence Committee in connection with their Russia probe.
The House Judiciary Committee voted to hold Attorney General William Barr in contempt for his failure to produce an unredacted version of the Mueller report for Congress. (NYT, WaPo)
President Trump invoked executive privilege over the unredacted Mueller report.
The Ninth Circuit ruled that the Trump administration can continue requiring some asylum-seekers to remain in Mexico while their cases are processed, but concurring opinions indicate that some judges are skeptical of many of the administration’s legal arguments regarding the policy. (The Hill, Lawfare, NYT)
The Administration has issued new regulations for asylum officers, directing them to behave more confrontationally in interviews with asylum seekers. (ImmigrationProfBlog)
The State Department is challenging a district court decision regarding the citizenship of a same-sex couple’s child, arguing that a biological relationship with their citizen father is required for US citizenship. (Daily Beast)
President Trump’s decision to revoke the U.S. signature of the Arms Trade Treaty, announced on April 26th at an NRA event, is concerning because the treaty is key to working toward the reduction of gun violence internationally, writes Pablo Arrocha Olabuenaga at Just Security.
The Trump Administration is using an obscure waiver provision in the Social Security Act to impose eligibility hurdles on Medicaid beneficiaries, resulting in thousands of people losing health insurance coverage, writes Gabriel Scheffler at The Regulatory Review.
The White House’s blanket refusal to answer subpoenas threatens the balance between branches of government, argues Don Wolfensberger at The Hill.
Vice President Pence announced that the Trump administration is going to challenge district judges’ authority to issue nation-wide injunctions. (The Hill)
The tool of impeachment could be “cheapened” if the House uses it knowing the Senate won’t convict, argues Keith Whittington at Lawfare.
The House should impeach President Trump, even he will be acquitted by the Senate, because an impeachment will establish and reinforce the expectations of the Presidential Office and make it clear that the President’s actions have deviated beyond the acceptable bounds of his office, argues Keith E. Whittington at Lawfare.
Donald Trump, Jr. was subpoenaed by the Senate Intelligence Committee in connection with their Russia probe. (WSJ; NYT)