Rachel Chung, // 10/12/17 //
The Supreme Court dismisses as moot a challenge to Trump's travel ban version 2.0. Trump's words are not only cause for concern, but a possible basis for impeachment. McConnell suggests he will stop the practice of allowing Senators to block judicial nominees. The D.C. Superior Court finds that the DOJ overstepped by requesting IP addresses for anti-Trump protest organizers. Trump indicates that the U.S. will withdraw from NAFTA and that it should increase the size of its nuclear arsenal. And the Trump administration takes strides towards eliminating major Obama-era regulations, including the Clean Power Plan and the birth control-coverage mandate.
The Supreme Court dismissed a challenge to the travel ban as moot (WaPo).
The bipartisan U.S. Conference of Mayors called for the Administration to continue the DACA program (ImmigrationProfBlog).
Amnesties are central to how the U.S. legal system functions, argues Amanda Taub at the New York Times.
President Trump’s bully pulpit has serious consequences, since presidential speech carries more import than almost any other expression, contends Mark Joseph Stern at Take Care.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell will no longer allow Senators to block judicial nominees (WaPo).
The D.C. Superior Court said DOJ overstepped when it sought 1.3 million IP addresses that had logged into a website that helped organize anti-Trump protests on Inauguration Day (ArsTechnica).
The self-professed anti-Trump resistance is part of a “thinly veiled legal revolt,”argues Josh Blackman at the National Review.
A group of former Obama Administration lawyers moved for a temporary injunction against the President’s Election Integrity Commission, arguing it threatened the proper functioning of our democracy (McClatchy).
President Trump tweeted that it’s “frankly disgusting the way the press is able to write whatever they want to write” (WaPo) and seemed to threaten that broadcast licenses should be limited depending on network coverage (NYTimes).
President Trump is increasingly suggesting it’s “possible” the U.S. will drop out of NAFTA (NYT).
The U.S. military flew strategic bombers over the Korean peninsula as President Trump met with top defense officials to discuss possible responses to any threat from North Korea (Reuters).
President Trump is seeking a significant increase in the number of nuclear weapons in the country’s arsenal, bucking the trend of recent presidential administrations (WaPo).
The President’s anger over the Iran deal has caused White House aides to scramble for possible compromises (WaPo).
Military officials at the Guantanamo Bay prison are waiting longer to intervene with medical attention when detainees go on hunger strikes (NYT).
President Trump will nominate Kirstjen Nielsen, deputy White House chief of staff and a cybersecurity expert, to replace John Kelly as Secretary of Homeland Security (WaPo).
The Trump administration moved to repeal President Obama’s Clean Power Plan, which targeted carbon dioxide emissions from coal-fired power plants (NYTimes).
New exceptions to the federal contraception mandate are unprecedented in scale, writes Linda Greenhouse (NYTimes).
Sonny Perdue, Secretary of Agriculture, suggested that restricting access to food stamps for adults who can work would help lower enrollment in the plan (WSJ).
The Rohrabacher-Farr amendment, which prohibits the Justice Department from spending even a cent to prosecute medical marijuana users and sellers operating legally under state laws, may expire following an aggressive lobbying campaign by Attorney General Jeff Sessions (L.A. Times).
President Trump’s words reveal his inability to carry out his oath of office and provide a basis for impeachment, argues Jennifer Rubin (WaPo).
Democratic Rep. Al Green (Tex.) read an impeachment resolution on the House floor Wednesday but did not appear later that day to offer the resolution for a vote (WaPo).
The Impeachment Clause is broad enough to allow for impeachment on the basis of incompetence, not just criminal activity, argues Gene Healy (Cato at Liberty).
Senate Democrats fear the Trump administration is dragging its feet on dealing with a Russian cyber threat that could impact upcoming races and sway which party controls the Senate (Politico).
The Russian government has used anti-virus software manufactured by Kaspersky Lab as an espionage tool; officials say this could only have happened with the knowledge and consent of the company (WSJ).
The House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence will release Russian-backed Facebook ads from the 2016 election season after officials from Facebook, Google, and Twitter testify before it (WaPo, WSJ).