State Action Doctrine Under An Autocrat
9/26/17 //
President Trump’s autocratic, anti-speech tendencies are blurring one of the key boundaries in existing First Amendment law, which draws a line between government suppression of speech and private suppression of speech.
Versus Trump: Waking Dream(host)
8/31/17 //
On this week’s episode of Versus Trump, we talk about web-hosting company Dreamhost's refusal to cooperate fully with the Trump Administration's broad request for information about the visitors to, a website allegedly used by those involved in an Inauguration Day riot. Listen now!
Neo-Nazis, Wedding Cakes, and Compelled Speech
8/24/17 //
Here I explore the interests asserted by GoDaddy and Google in denying service to neo-Nazis and their ilk. I then consider implications of my analysis for the pending Supreme Court case of Masterpiece Cake Shop v. Colorado Civil Rights Comm'n.