Zak Lutz // 12/20/18 //
The D.C. Circuit upheld a mysterious grand jury subpoena of a foreign company. Robert Mueller requested a transcript of Roger Stone’s testimony to the House. A federal district judge in D.C. struck down most of the Trump Administration’s policy that made it difficult to receive asylum for domestic and gang violence claims. The Trump Administration announced it would ease restrictions for sponsoring migrant children. The Trump Administration plans to pull soldiers out of Syria immediately. The Trump Administration announced it would lift sanctions on companies owned by a Russian oligarch.
The D.C. Circuit upheld a mysterious grand jury subpoena of a foreign company (Lawfare, Hill, WaPo)
Michael Flynn may have earned himself jail time by suggesting the FBI duped him (Just Security, Lawfare, WaPo).
Investigations into President Trump’s alleged hush money payments could also identify tax fraud, explains Brian Galle in Just Security.
The D.C. Circuit rejected a FOIA request for the President’s tax records (Volokh).
Robert Mueller requested a transcript of Roger Stone’s testimony to the House, suggesting the Mueller investigation may be nearing its end (WaPo).
The Trump Administration announced it would ease restrictions for sponsoring migrant children (NYT).
Denaturalization could be the Trump Administration’s next immigration proposal, suggests Seth Freed Wexler at The New York Times.
A federal district judge in D.C. struck down most of the Trump Administration’s policy that made it difficult to receive asylum for domestic and gang violence claims (ACLU, Hill, ImmigrationProf, LAT, National Security, Politico).
The new regulation banning bump stocks is unconstitutional, argue Ilya Shapiro and Matthew Larosiere at Cato.
The Trump Administration plans to pull soldiers out of Syria immediately (WaPo).
The new CFPB (Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) Director halted efforts to change the agency’s branding to BCFP (Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection) (Consumer Finance Monitor).
T-Mobile denied lying to the FCC about the size of its 4G network (Ars Technica).
The Trump Administration announced it would lift sanctions on companies owned by a Russian oligarch (Hill).