The Danger of Constant Impeachment Talk

5/7/18  //  Latest Developments

When calls to impeach the president are played on repeat for years, they lose their punch. That is where we find ourselves today.

Laurence H. Tribe

Harvard Law School

Introducing the Great Democracy Initiative

5/7/18  //  Latest Developments

The Great Democracy Initiative aims to produce bold, progressive solutions to the biggest problems facing our country.

Ganesh Sitaraman

Vanderbilt Law School

This Week’s Blockbuster SCOTUS Cases Share a Troublesome Common Issue

4/24/18  //  Commentary

Both the travel ban case and the Texas redistricting litigation raise questions about the staying power of discriminatory intent.

Justin Levitt

Loyola Law School

Versus Trump: The View From 10,000 Feet (Joshua Matz Speech)

4/19/18  //  Commentary

On a new episode of Versus Trump, we bring you a podcast version of the speech that Take Care publisher Joshua Matz gave at Harvard Law School on April 3, 2018. The talk, titled "The Legal Resistance to Trump," describes themes, achievements, and limitations of various lawsuits challenging the Trump Administration and its policies. Listen now!

Jason Harrow

Gerstein Harrow LLP

Versus Trump: Movin' Right Along

4/12/18  //  In-Depth Analysis

On a new episode of Versus Trump, Jason and Charlie revisit two lawsuits in which the Plaintiffs have recently successfully fought off motions to dismiss and been allowed to proceed. And in a new installment of "Sanctions Corner with Uncle Charlie," Charlie answers questions about the FBI raid on the office of Trump lawyer Michael Cohen. Listen now!

Jason Harrow

Gerstein Harrow LLP

Charlie Gerstein

Gerstein Harrow LLP

Versus Trump: The Citizenship Question

4/5/18  //  Commentary

On a new episode of Versus Trump, Jason and Easha discuss lawsuits challenging the Trump Administration's decision to ask a question about citizenship on the 2020 census. Listen now!

Jason Harrow

Gerstein Harrow LLP

Easha Anand

San Francisco

The Legal Resistance to Trump

4/5/18  //  Quick Reactions

A wide-ranging, thematic talk at Harvard Law School

Versus Trump: Voting Wars and Justice Scalia, with Rick Hasen

3/29/18  //  In-Depth Analysis

On a new episode of Versus Trump, Jason talks to Rick Hasen, a leading election law scholar and purveyor of the Election Law Blog, about what's going on at the voting booth, possible campaign finance law violations by both Trump and Clinton in the 2016 cycle, and Justice Scalia, who is the subject of Rick's new book, The Justice of Contradictions: Antonin Scalia and the Politics of Disruption. Listen now!

Jason Harrow

Gerstein Harrow LLP

Census Smoke Signals

3/29/18  //  Commentary

Where there is smoke, there is usually a fire

Jennifer Nou

University of Chicago Law School

Partisan Gerrymandering Returns to the Supreme Court

3/27/18  //  In-Depth Analysis

Partisan gerrymandering at its core is viewpoint discrimination pure and simple, and it cannot be squared with our Constitution’s promise that voters choose their representatives, not the other way around.

NIFLA v. Becerra: The Conservative Attack on Disclosure

3/15/18  //  Commentary

Disclosure laws further First Amendment values by ensuring that consumers have access to accurate information about their rights to state-funded care and how to access these benefits.

Hamilton Versus Trump

3/15/18  //  Commentary

'Talents for low intrigue, and the little arts of popularity'

Michael C. Dorf

Cornell Law School

Trump's Politicization of Law Enforcement is Authoritarian in Nature

3/9/18  //  In-Depth Analysis

Trump’s actions to quash the independence of federal law enforcement mirror the approach of autocratic leaders around the globe.

Where are the Facts?

3/1/18  //  Commentary

At oral argument in Janus v. AFSCME, Council 31, an important case about public sector unions, there were a lot of empirical questions—but not a lot of answers.

Brianne J. Gorod

Constitutional Accountability Center

Trump’s War On the Courts is a War on Democracy Itself

2/28/18  //  Commentary

Efforts to purge or delegitimize courts following rulings against government officials or their political party is a hallmark authoritarian move.